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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
22-May-2009outroSignaling pathways associated with the expression of inflammatory mediators activated during the course of two models of experimental periodontitisde Aquino, Sabrina Garcia;Manzolli Leite, Fabio Renato;Stach-Machado, Dagmar Ruth;Francisco da Silva, Juliete Aparecida;Spolidório, Luis Carlos;Rossa, Carlos
1-Jul-2009outroDifferential regulation of MMP-13 expression in two models of experimentally induced periodontal disease in ratsde Aquino, Sabrina Garcia;Guimaraes, Morgana Rodrigues;Stach-Machado, Dagmar Ruth;Francisco da Silva, Juliete Aparecida;Spolidório, Luis Carlos;Rossa, Carlos
1-Nov-2009outroMorphological characterization of rat incisor fluorotic lesionsSaiani, Regina Aparecida;Porto, Isabel Maria;Marcantonio Júnior, Elcio;Cury, Jaime Aparecido;de Sousa, Frederico Barbosa;Gerlach, Raquel Fernanda
1-Mar-2008outroGingival primary extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as the first manifestation of acquired immunodeficiency syndromeNavarro, Cláudia Maria;Shibli, Jamil A.;Ferrari, Roberto B.;d'Avila, Susana;Sposto, Maria R.
1-Jan-2009outroThe Potential of p38 MAPK Inhibitors to Modulate Periodontal InfectionsKirkwood, Keith L.;Rossa, Carlos
1-Nov-2008outroUse of a Tooth-Implant Supported Bone Distractor in Oral Rehabilitation: Description of a Personalized TechniqueMarcantonio, Elcio;Dela Coleta, Roberto;Spin-Neto, Rubens;Marcantonio, Elcio;Pizzol, Karina Eiras Dela Coleta;Boeck, Eloisa Marcantonio
1-May-2008outroBiologic width changes around loaded implants inserted in different levels in relation to crestal bone: histometric evaluation in canine mandibleFarias Pontes, Ana Emilia;Ribeiro, Fernando Salimon;Iezzi, Giovanna;Piattelli, Adriano;Cirelli, Joni Augusto;Marcantonio, Elcio
1-Apr-2008outroTunnel technique with a surgical maneuver to increase the graft extension: Case report with a 3-year follow-upRibeiro, Fernando S.;Zandim-Barcelos, Daniela Leal;Pontes, Ana Emilia F.;Mantovani, Rafael V.;Sampaio, Jose Eduardo C.;Marcantonio, Elcio
1-Jun-2008outroComparative study on the effect of ultrasonic instruments on the root surface in vivoSantos, Fabio Andre;Pochapski, Marcia Thais;Leal, Paola Cristina;Gimenes-Sakima, Patricia Panizzi;Marcantonio, Elcio
1-Jul-2008outroDetection of periapical lesion development by conventional radiography or computed tomographyJorge, Erica G.;Tanomaru-Filho, Mario;Gonçalves, Marcelo;Tanomaru, Juliane Maria Guerreiro