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Results 41-50 of 37566.
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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
1-Aug-2008outroGrowth hormone and heart failure: Oxidative stress and energetic metabolism in ratsSeiva, F. R. F.;Ebaid, Geovana Xavier;Castro, A. V. B.;Okoshi, Katashi;Nascimento, A.;Rocha, K. K. H.;Padovani, Carlos Roberto;Cicogna, Antonio Carlos;Novelli, E. L. B.
1-Sep-2009outroEchocardiographic detection of congestive heart failure in postinfarction ratsMartinez, P. F.;Okoshi, Katashi;Zornoff, Leonardo Antonio Mamede;Oliveira Junior, S. A.;Campos, D. H. S.;Lima, A. R. R.;Damatto, R. L.;Padovani, Carlos Roberto;Cicogna, Antonio Carlos;Okoshi, Marina Politi
7-Jan-2006outroSuperovulation and embryo transfer in Bos indices cattleBaruselli, P. S.;de Sa, M. F.;Martins, C. M.;Nasser, L. F.;Nogueira, MFG;Barros, C. M.;Bo, G. A.
1-Sep-2005outro5alpha-reductase 2 inhibition impairs brain defeminization of male rats: Reproductive aspectsRibeiro, C. M.;Pereira, OCM
1-Mar-2005outroReproductive and sexual behavior changes in male rats exposed perinatally to picrotoxinYasuhara, F.;Kempinas, W. G.;Pereira, OCM
1-Feb-2002outroMedicinal plants popularly used in the Brazilian Tropical Atlantic ForestDi Stasi, L. C.;Oliveira, G. P.;Carvalhaes, M. A.;Queiroz-Junior, M.;Tien, O. S.;Kakinami, S. H.;Reis, M. S.
1-Jan-2007outroDifferential vascular adaptive response to stress exposure in male and female rats: Role of gonadal hormones and endothelial cellsLanza, Ubirajara;Cordellini, Sandra
1-May-2003outroMeasurement of gastric contraction activity in dogs by means of AC biosusceptometryMoraes, R.;Cora, L. A.;Americo, M. F.;Oliveira, R. B.;Baffa, O.;Miranda, JRA
1-Jan-2003outroExpression of fibroblast growth factor 8 and cognate receptors (FGFR3c and FGFR4) in bovine preantral follicles.Buratini, J.;Glapinski, V. F.;Giometti, I. C.;Costa, I. B.;Teixeira, A. B.;Pinto, MGL;Barros, C. M.;Price, C. A.
1-Mar-2004outroAnalysis of Bothrops jararacussu venomous gland transcriptome focusing on structural and functional aspects: I - gene expression profile of highly expressed phospholipases A(2)Kashima, S.;Roberto, P. G.;Soares, A. M.;Astolfi, S.;Pereira, J. O.;Giuliati, S.;Faria, M.;Xavier, MAS;Fontes, MRM;Giglio, JR;Franca, S. C.