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Results 81-90 of 571.
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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
1-Dec-1997outroMetacyclogenesis modulates the ability of Leishmania promastigotes to induce IL-12 production in human mononuclear cellsSartori, Alexandrina;Oliveira, Milton A. P.;Scott, Phillip;Trinchieri, Giorgio
1-Dec-1997outroEffects of fibrin adhesive material (Tissucol) on alveolar healing in rats under stress.Alves-Rezende, Maria C. R.;Okamoto, Tetuo
1-Nov-1998outroMetabolic Disturbances in Male Broilers of Different Strains. 1. Performance, Mortality, and Right Ventricular HypertrophyGonzales, Elisabeth;Buyse, Johan;Takita, Tânia Sayuri;Sartori, José Roberto;Decuypere, Eddy
1-Jun-1990outroAutogenous transplantation of rib cartilage preserved in glycerol, after removal of the perichondrium, to the malar process of rats--a histological study (Part I).Okamoto, T.;Gabrielli, M. A.;de Oliveira Júnior, O. B.;Marcantonio, E.;Gabrielli, M. F.
1-Jun-1990outroInfluence of different types of non-resorbable suture material on the healing of extraction wounds--a histological study in rats.Okamoto, T.;Gabrielli, M. F.;Gabrielli, M. A.
7-May-1990outroFine structure of the boundary tissue of the seminiferous tubuli of the vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus, G.; Microchiroptera).Orsi, A. M.;Vicentini, Carlos Alberto;Dias, S. M.;Moreno, M. H.
7-May-1990outroFine structure of the ductuli efferentes of the hamster (Mesocricetus auratus).Vicentini, Carlos Alberto;Orsi, A. M.;Gregório, E. A.
1-Dec-1990outroEfeitos da estimulação ultra-sônica sobre o processo de reparo em ferida de extração dental: estudo histológico em ratos.Santos Júnior, P. V.;Melhado, R. M.
1-Mar-1992outroEpidemiology of sheep myiases in São Paulo State, BrazilAmarante, A. F T;Barbosa, M. A.;Oliveira-Sequeira, T. C.;Fernandes, S.
1-Mar-1992outroFresh autogenous rib cartilage graft to the malar process of rats with and without removal of the perichondrium: a histological Tulio, S.;Okamoto, T.;Gabrielli, M. F.