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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
1-Jan-2013outroBond strength of adhesive systems with different solvents to dry and wet dentinda Silva, Melissa Aline;Rangel, Patrícia Maria;Barcellos, Daphne Câmara;Pagani, Clovis;Torres, Carlos Rocha Gomes
1-Sep-2012outroOral health of the elderly with Alzheimer's diseaseRibeiro, Giselle Rodrigues;Costa, José Luiz Riani;Bovi Ambrosano, Glaucia Maria;Rodrigues Garcia, Renata Cunha Matheus
1-Jul-2012outroEffectiveness of castor oil extract on Escherichia coli and its endotoxins in root canalsValera, Marcia Carneiro;Maekawa, Lilian Eiko;Chung, Adriana;Oliveira, Luciane Dias de;Carvalho, Claudio Antonio Talge;Koga-Ito, Cristiane Yumi;Jorge, Antonio Olavo Cardoso
10-Sep-2012outroCompared morphology of the immatures of males of two urban ant species of camponotusSolis, Daniel Russ;Fox, Eduardo Gonalves Paterson;Rossi, Mnica Lanzoni;Bueno, Odair Correa
1-Nov-2007outroHomogenous demineralized dentin matrix for application in cranioplasty of rabbits with alloxan-induced diabetes: Histomorphometric analysisGomes, Mônica Fernandes;De Freitas Banzi, Éfani Caroline Freitas;De Souza Setúbal Destro, Maria Fernanda;Lavinicki, Valmir;Das Graças Vilela Goulart, Maria
1-Jul-2008outroIn vitro assessment of pulp chamber temperature of different teeth submitted to dental bleaching associated with LED/laser and halogen lamp appliancesTorres, Carlos Rocha Gomes;Caneppele, Taciana Marco Ferraz;Arcas, Felipe Carlos Dias;Borges, Alessandra Buhler
1-Nov-2008outroComparative analysis of electromyographic pattern in the forearm muscles of hemiplegic patientsKuriki, Heloyse Uliam;de Azevedo, F. Mícolis;de Faria Negrão Filho, R.;Alves, Neri;de Carvalho, Augusto Cesinando
1-Dec-2008outroComparison of exfoliative pap stain and AgNOR counts of the tongue in smokers and nonsmokersFontes, Patrícia Campos;Corrêa, Gustavo Henrique Marques;Issa, Jaqueline Scholz;Brandão, Adriana Aigotti Haberbeck;Almeida, Janete Dias
1-Dec-2007outroMicrotensile bond strength of a repair composite to leucite-reinforced feldspathic ceramicde Melo, Renata Marques;Valandro, Luiz Felipe;Bottino, Marco Antonio
1-Dec-2007outroMicrowave-induced fast decalcification of rat bone for electron microscopic analysis: An ultrastructural and cytochemical studyPitol, Dimitrius Leonardo;Caetano, Flavio Henrique;Lunardi, Laurelúcia Orive