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Results 1361-1370 of 1370.
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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
25-Jan-2013outroAnalysis of genetic correlations of hip height with selection indices and mature weight in Nelore cattleBoligon, A. A.;Carvalheiro, R.;Ayres, D. R.;Albuquerque, L. G.
1-Feb-2013outroThe reproductive cycle of the male sleep snake Sibynomorphus mikanii (Schlegel, 1837) from southeastern brazilRojas, Claudio A.;Barros, Verônica A.;Almeida-Santos, Selma M.
1-Feb-2013outroPathological and behavioral risk factors for higher serum c-reactive protein concentrations in free-living adults - A Brazilian community-based studyMoreto, Fernando;De Oliveira, Erick Prado;Manda, Rodrigo Minoru;Torezan, Gabriel Augusto;Teixeira, Okesley;Michelin, Edilaine;Burini, Roberto Carlos
1-Jul-2015outroSexual dimorphism and phenotypic plasticity in the antennal lobe of a stingless bee, Melipona scutellarisRoselino, Ana Carolina;Hrncir, Michael;Landim, Carminda da Cruz;Giurfa, Martin;Sandoz, Jean-Christophe
1-Nov-1995outroCircadian and seasonal variation of the body temperature of sheep in a tropical environment.daSilva, R. G.;Minomo, F. R.
1-Feb-1999outroPreliminar report on the presence of tegumentar glands in the thorax of Meliponinae bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae)Cruz-Landim, C.;Reginato, R. D.
1-Mar-2006outroClass III glands in the abdomen of MeliponiniCruz-Landim, Carminda da;Abdalla, Fábio Camargo;Gracioli-Vitti, L. F.
1-Jul-2010outroDifferential flight muscle development in workers, queens and males of the eusocial bees, Apis mellifera and Scaptotrigona posticaCorrea-Fernandez, Fernanda;Cruz-Landim, Carminda
1-Jan-2010outroSurgical treatment of gynaecomastia in a Saanen goatToniollo, Gilson Hélio;Rodrigues, Valeska;Machado Silva, Marco Augusto;Delfini, Aline;de Faria Junior, Domingos
1-Aug-2008outroMorphologic and morphometric analysis of testis of Pseudis limellum (Cope, 1862) (Anura, Hylidae) during the reproductive cycle in the Pantanal, BrazilFerreira, Adelina;Mehanna, Mahmoud;Prado, Cynthia P. A.