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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
8-Dec-2009outroEffect of light-curing method and indirect veneering materials on the Knoop hardness of a resin cementIriyama, Nelson Tetsu;Tango, Rubens Nisie;Manetta, Izabella Paola;Sinhoreti, Mário Alexandre Coelho;Sobrinho, Lourenço Correr;Anzaloni Saavedra, Guilherme de Siqueira Ferreira
1-Jan-2010outroShear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded using halogen light and light-emitting diode at different debond timesDi Nicoló, Rebeca;de Araujo, Maria Amelia Maximo;Alves, Levy Anderson César;de Assunçao e Souza, Rodrigo Othavio;da Rocha, Daniel Maranha
1-Jan-2010outroEvaluation of alternative methods for the disinfection of toothbrushesKomiyama, Edson Yukio;Back-Brito, Graziella Nuernberg;Balducci, Ivan;Koga-Ito, Cristiane Yumi
1-Jan-2009outroLH surge in Nelore cows (Bos indicus), after induced estrus or after ovarian superestimulationMonteiro, Fabio Morato;Melo, Danilas Salinet;Ferreira, Marcelo Machado G.;Carvalho, Luciano Mundim;Sartoreli, Evandro Sartoreli e;Ederhardt, Bruno G.;Nogueira, Guilherme de Paula;Barros, Ciro Moraes
1-Jan-2009outroThe flower workshop in psychosocial rehabilitation: A pilot studyPereira, Alfredo;Pereira, Maria Alice Ornellas
1-Dec-2009outroCone-beam computed tomography analysis of the apical third of curved roots after mechanical preparation with different automated systemsOliveira, Cesar Augusto Pereira;Meurer, Maria Inês;Pascoalato, Cristina;Silva, Silvio Rocha Corrêa da
1-Nov-2012outroInterdisciplinary approach to the management of Ewing sarcoma: A case reportGomes, Mônica Fernandes;Martins, Luana Galvão;Alves, Mônica Ghislaine Oliveira;De Morais Gouvêa Lima, Gabriela;De Cássia Araújo Rocha, Rita;Das Graças Vilela Goulart, Maria
25-Jul-2012outroInterventions to promote the wearing of hearing protectionDib, Regina Paolucci El;Mathew, Joseph L.;Martins, Regina Helena Garcia
17-Sep-2012outroUse of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in molecular screening of Newcastle disease virus in poultry and free-living bird populationsde Oliveira Torres Carrasco, Adriano;Rodrigues, Juliana Nogueira Martins;Seki, Meire Christina;de Moraes, Fabricio Edgar;Silva, Jaqueline Raymondi;Durigon, Edison Luis;Pinto, Aramis Augusto
1-Feb-2013outroValidation of a stability-indicating RP-LC method for the determination of tigecycline in lyophilized powderDa Silva, Lucélia Magalhães;Salgado, Hérida Regina Nunes