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Results 201-210 of 702.
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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
8-Apr-2013outroPlatelet lysate 3D scaffold supports mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis: An improved approach in cartilage tissue engineeringMoroz, Andrei;Bittencourt, Renata Aparecida Camargo;Almeida, Renan Padron;Felisbino, Sérgio Luis;Deffune, Elenice
20-Apr-2013outroDelirium in older adultsVidal, Edison Iglesias de Oliveira;Villas Bôas, Paulo José Fortes;Valle, Adriana Polachini do;Cerqueira, Ana Teresa de Abreu Ramos;Fukushima, Fernanda Bono
29-Apr-2013outroModified radical mastectomy: A pilot clinical trial comparing the use of conventional electric scalpel and harmonic scalpelRibeiro, Gustavo Henrique Fabri Pereira;Kerr, Ligia Maria;Haikel, Raphael Luiz;Peres, Stela Verzinhasse;Matthes, Angelo Gustavo Zucca;Depieri Michelli, Rodrigo Augusto;Bailão, AntÔnio;Fregnani, José Humberto Tavares Guerreiro;Da Costa Vieira, René Aloísio
1-May-2013outroCost-effectiveness comparison between pituitary down-regulation with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist short regimen on alternate days and an antagonist protocol for assisted fertilization treatmentsMaldonado, Luiz Guilherme Louzada;Franco Junior, Jose Gonçalves;Setti, Amanda Souza;Iaconelli Jr., Assumpto;Borges Jr., Edson
1-Jan-1985outroHistamine release from the isolated guinea-pig heart by compound 48/80Gomes, J. C.;Antonio, A.
21-Aug-1985outroAlkaline ribonuclease activity in maternal serum and in serum of newborns from birth up to thirty days of age. A study made with full-term appropriate-, full-term small- and preterm appropriate-for-gestational-age infantsTrindade, C. E P;de Nobrega, F. J.;Sartor, M. E A;Suguihara, C. Y.;Tonete, S. S.;Curi, P. R.
16-Oct-1985outroMorphometric study of the small intestinal mucosa in young, adult, and old rats submitted to protein deficiency and rehabilitationRodrigues, Maria Aparecida Marchesan;Camargo, João Lauro Viana de;Coelho, Kunie Iabuki Rabello;Montenegro, M. R.;Angeleli, A. Y.;Burini, Roberto Carlos
1-Dec-1985outroObservations on the development of the febrile response to pyrogen in newborn pigsMoraes, R. N.;Macari, Marcos;Pela, I. R.
1-Jan-1986outroEffects of unilateral decortication on β-adrenergic receptors in the remaining cortex and in the hypothalamus of female ratsBedran de Castro, J. C.;Petrovic, S. L.;McCann, S. M.
1-Jan-1986outroEffect of ambient temperature and thyroid hormones on food intake by pigsMacari, Marcos;Zuim, S. M F;Secato, E. R.;Guerreiro, J. R.