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- Title:
- Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)
- Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
- Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
- Colorado State Univ
- 0100-2430
- Stelmann U.J.P., Silva A.A, Souza B.G., Oliveira G.F., Mello E.B.F.R.B, Souza G.C.J. & Hess T.M. Dermoid cyst in sheep - A Case Report. [Cisto dermoide em ovino - Relato de Caso]. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 34(2):127-130, 2012. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao em Agropecuaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: stelmann.ppgctia@gmail.comA dermoid cyst is a non-neoplasic, benign dermatologic injury. This article describes the finding of a dermoid cyst that was surgically extracted in a nine months aged ewe. The patient was admitted to the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital Department at the Federal Rural of Rio de Janeiro University, with a history of a non-healing wound that also contained fur. The ewe was referred to the surgical service and the histopathologic analysis of the lesion revealed a structure lined by stratified epithelium containing hair follicles, sudoriparous and sebaceous glands, which are conclusive for a dermoid cyst diagnosis.
- 1-Apr-2012
- Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria. Rio de Janeiro: Soc Medicina Veterinaria Estado Rio de Janeiro, v. 34, n. 2, p. 127-130, 2012.
- 127-130
- Soc Medicina Veterinaria Estado Rio de Janeiro
- Dermoid cyst
- epidermoid cyst
- cutaneous cyst
- sebaceous glands
- sheep
- Acesso aberto
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