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dc.contributor.authorSantos, K. F.-
dc.contributor.authorMurakami, M. T.-
dc.contributor.authorCintra, A. C. O.-
dc.contributor.authorToyama, M. H.-
dc.contributor.authorMarangoni, S.-
dc.contributor.authorForrer, V. P.-
dc.contributor.authorBrandao Neto, J. R.-
dc.contributor.authorPolikarpov, I.-
dc.contributor.authorArni, R. K.-
dc.identifier.citationActa Crystallographica Section F-structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, v. 63, p. 287-290, 2007.-
dc.description.abstractCrotoxin, a potent neurotoxin from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, exists as a heterodimer formed between a phospholipase A(2) and a catalytically inactive acidic phospholipase A(2) analogue (crotapotin). Large single crystals of the crotoxin complex and of the isolated subunits have been obtained. The crotoxin complex crystal belongs to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2, with unit-cell parameters a = 38.2, b = 68.7, c = 84.2 angstrom, and diffracted to 1.75 angstrom resolution. The crystal of the phospholipase A(2) domain belongs to the hexagonal space group P6(1)22 (or its enantiomorph P6(5)22), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 38.7, c = 286.7 angstrom, and diffracted to 2.6 angstrom resolution. The crotapotin crystal diffracted to 2.3 angstrom resolution; however, the highly diffuse diffraction pattern did not permit unambiguous assignment of the unit-cell parameters.en
dc.publisherBlackwell Publishing-
dc.sourceWeb of Science-
dc.titleCrystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the heterodimeric crotoxin complex and the isolated subunits crotapotin and phospholipase A(2)en
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)-
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade de São Paulo (USP)-
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)-
dc.contributor.institutionLab Nacl Luz Sincrotron-
dc.description.affiliationUNESP, Dept Phys, IBILCE, BR-15054000 Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil-
dc.description.affiliationUniv São Paulo, Dept Anal Clin Toxicol & Bromatol, Fac Ciências Farmaceut, BR-14049 Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil-
dc.description.affiliationUniv Estadual Campinas, Dept Bioquim, Campinas, SP, Brazil-
dc.description.affiliationLab Nacl Luz Sincrotron, Campinas, SP, Brazil-
dc.description.affiliationUniv São Paulo, Inst Fis Sao Carlos, BR-05508 São Paulo, Brazil-
dc.description.affiliationUnespUNESP, Dept Phys, IBILCE, BR-15054000 Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil-
dc.rights.accessRightsAcesso restrito-
dc.relation.ispartofActa Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications-
Appears in Collections:Artigos, TCCs, Teses e Dissertações da Unesp

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