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Results 91-100 of 571.
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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
1-Aug-1994outroRadiographic and microbiologic evaluation of posttreatment apical and periapical repair of root canals of dogs' teeth with experimentally induced chronic lesionLeonardo, Mário Roberto;Almeida, Walter Autonio;Ito, Izabel Yoko;da Silva, Léa Assed Bezerra
1-Jan-1995outroExperimental surgery of the facial nerve. Assessment of the intraperitoneal use of exogenous gangliosidesMontovani, Jair Cortez;Prado, R. G.;Bacchi, C. E.
1-Dec-1995outroOccurrence of polyclonal B-cell activation after experimental infection with Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 .Medeiros, B. M. de;Moraes Costa, A. de;Araújo, P. M. de;Falcão, D. P.
1-Mar-1997outroAssociation between polyclonal B cell activation and the presence of autoantibodies in mice infected with Yersinia enterocolitica O:3Medeiros, B. M M;Costa, A. M.;Araújo, P. M F;Falcão, D. P.
1-Mar-1997outroSynergistic effect of glucose and prolactin on GLUT2 expression in cultured neonatal rat isletsCrepaldi-Alves, S. C.;Carneiro, E. M.;Bosqueiro, José Roberto;Boschero, A. C.
1-Dec-1997outroPulpal lesions in normal and cyclosporin a treated ratsLopes, Márcio Ajudarte;Spolidório, Luis Carlos;Line, Sérgio Roberte Peres;De Almeida, Oslei Paes
1-Jan-1998outroUltrastructural study of the lateral lobe of the prostate of Wistar rats submitted to experimental chronic alcohol ingestionCagnon, V. H A;Garcia, P. J.;Guazzelli Filho, J.;Martinez, F. E.;Mello, W.;Martinez, M.
1-Oct-1989outroEffects of antithyroid drug on the rectal temperature and metabolic parameters of ducks (Cairina moschata).Artoni, S. M.;Zuim, S. M.;Macari, Marcos
1-Oct-1988outroInfluência da vagotomia gástrica proximal sobre a zona de alta pressão esofagogástrica do cão.Henry, M. A.;Leite, C. V.;Mendes, E. F.;Vercesi, L. A.;Lucchiari, P. H.
1-Dec-1990outroComportamento dos tecidos periapicais de dentes de cães após a obturação de canal com Sealapex acrescido ou não de iodoformio.Holland, R.;de Mello, W.;de Souza, V.;Nery, Mauro Juvenal;Bernabé, P. F.;Otoboni Filho, José Arlindo