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Results 101-110 of 358.
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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
13-Nov-2002outroChanges in occlusal vertical dimension in microwave processing of complete dentures.Barbosa, Débora Barros;Compagnoni, Marco Antonio;Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues
1-Dec-2002outroGrowth hormone mRNA expression in the pituitary of Bos indicus and Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbred young bulls treated with recombinant bovine somatotropinDi Mauro, S. M Z;Furlan, L. R.;Ferro, M. I T;Macari, Marcos;Ferro, J. A.
1-Apr-2003outroFluoride release by restorative materials before and after a topical application of fluoride gelPedrini, Denise;Delbem, Alberto Carlos Botazzo;de França, Juliana Gomes Macedo;Machado, Thiago de Medeiros
1-Jul-2003outroClinical evaluation of amitriptyline for the control of chronic pain caused by temporomandibular joint disordersRizzatti-Barbosa, Célia M.;Nogueira, Mariana T. P.;De Andrade, Eduardo D.;Ambrosano, Gláucia M. B.;De Albergaria Barbosa, José R.
1-Sep-2003outroInter and intraspecific variation on reproductive phenology of the Brazilian Atlantic forest Rubiaceae: Ecology and phylogenetic constraintsSan Martin-Gajardo, Ivonne;Morellato, L. Patricia C.
1-Dec-2003outroComparative study of the cuticular hydrocarbon composition of Melipona bicolor Lepeletier, 1836 (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) workers and queensAbdalla, Fábio Camargo;Jones, Graeme R.;Morgan, Erik D.;Cruz-Landim, Carminda da
1-Mar-2003outroElectromyographic validation of basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes V. The comparison of the response in the deltoid muscle (anterior portion) and the pectoralis major muscle (clavicular portion) determined by the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells and the rowing exercisesFerreira, M. I.;Büll, Marilena Longo;Vitti, M.
1-May-2003outroInfluence of dental care for infants on caries prevalence: A comparative studyMelhado, Fabiola Lemos;Cunha, Robson Frederico;Nery, Rosangela Santos
1-Dec-2003outroImmobilization of lipases and assay in continuous fixed bed reactorDos Reis-Costa, Leonice;Soares, Andreimar M.;França, Suzelei C.;Trevisan, Henrique C.;Roberts, Timothy John C.
1-Jan-2003outroApical and periapical repair of dogs' teeth with periapical lesions after endodontic treatment with different root canal sealers.Leonardo, Mário Roberto;Salgado, Antônio Alberto;da Silva, Léa Assed;Tanomaru Filho, Mário