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dc.contributor.authorRoscio, Francisco José-
dc.coverage.spatialPenedo, Alagoas - Brasilpt_BR
dc.descriptionAs obras do convento foram iniciadas em 1682 e a primeira missa ali foi rezada em 1689.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractO grande conjunto que se mantém completo com igreja, convento com dormitórios já prontos em 1694, têm capela de ordem terceira com abertura para a igreja conventual, claustro ajardinado e muro ao redor de todo o pomar. Internamente foi enriquecido com novo altar-mor no início do século XVIII e pintura em perspectiva no forro. Na fachada, anjos seguram abaixo da janela principal uma cartela com a data de 1759 - referente aos acréscimos dos ornamentos das volutas do frontão.pt_BR
dc.subjectArquitetura barrocapt_BR
dc.subjectEstilo barrocopt_BR
dc.subjectPeríodo colonialpt_BR
dc.subjectArte sacrapt_BR
dc.titleConvento e Igreja Nossa Senhora dos Anjospt_BR
dc.title.alternativeChurch and Convent of N.Srª. dos Anjosen_US
dc.description3Fotografia e texto Percival Tirapeli; tratamento de imagens Thays Martins Oyakawa.pt_BR
dc.subject.keywordBaroque Architectureen_US
dc.subject.keywordBaroque Styleen_US
dc.subject.keywordColonial Perioden_US
dc.subject.keywordSacred Arten_US
dc.description.abstract2The building of the convent began in 1682 and the first mass was said in 1689. The great buildings remain intact, with a churchyard in the front, a church with a recessed tower, a convent with fully functioning accommodations as of 1694, a third order chapel with an opening to the convent church, a garden in the cloister and a wall enclosing the orchard. Inside it was enriched by a new high altar at the beginning of the 18th century, as well as painting in perspective on the ceiling. On the façade angels hold an inscription dated from 1759 under the main window, referring to the addition of the volute decoration on the pediment. One enters the temple by the side door and steps into the vivid coloring that engulfs the whole church. The woodcarving is visibly older on the wreathed columns, painted in a rudimentary simulation of deep blue marble on the parts in relief, and of gold on the floral elements that frame the altars. The copings have heavy, pointed canopies and trimming throughout the whole extension of the chancel arch and unfettered in the side altars. The deep nave comes alive through the bright colors of the painting on the ceiling by Libório Lázaro Lial, dated 1784. The white walls pale before the boldness of the faux painting with palatial airs. There are balustrades and vases on pilasters circling everything. In the middle of the scene, vases covered by rolling clouds.en_US
dc.creator.autorentidadeAcervo " Barroco Memória Viva"pt_BR
dc.description.bibliographyTIRAPELI, Percival. Igrejas Barrocas do Brasil. Baroque Churches of Brazil. São Paulo. Metalivros, 2008.pt_BR
Appears in Collections:Arte Brasileira - Barroco

Item Files
File Description SizeFormat 
altar da sala lateral.jpgAltar da Sala Lateral3.21 MBJPEGThumbnail
base do altar da sala lateral.jpgBase do Altar da Sala Lateral1.7 MBJPEGThumbnail
arco cruzeiro e retábulo mor.jpgArco Cruzeiro e Retábulo Mor3.47 MBJPEGThumbnail
retábulo mor (2).jpgRetábulo Mor3.51 MBJPEGThumbnail
AL_Penedo_Fachada Convento N. Sra dos Anjos.jpgFachada1.53 MBJPEGThumbnail
pintura da nave (2) - Libório Lázaro Lial.jpgPintura da Nave por Libório Lázaro Lial3.02 MBJPEGThumbnail
pintura da nave (3) - Libório Lázaro Lial.jpgPintura da Nave por Libório Lázaro Lial3.22 MBJPEGThumbnail
pintura da nave (4) - Libório Lázaro Lial.jpgPintura da Nave por Libório Lázaro Lial3.02 MBJPEGThumbnail
vista da nave e capela mor.jpgVista da Nave e Capela Mor1.78 MBJPEGThumbnail
fachada (1).jpgDetalhe da Fachada683.56 kBJPEGThumbnail
fachada (2).jpgDetalhe da Fachada1.54 MBJPEGThumbnail

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