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Results 31-40 of 552.
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Issue DateTypeTitleContributhor(s)
1-Jul-2013outroNephrocalcinosis induced by hyperoxaluria in ratsCunha, Natália Baraldi;Kawano, Paulo Roberto;Padovani, Carlos Roberto;Lima, Flávio de Oliveira;Bernardes, Suene;Magalhães, Eloá Siqueira;Amaro, Carmen Regina Petean;Amaro, João Luiz
9-Jul-2013outroThe action of aminoguanidine on the liver of trained diabetic ratse Nico, Edmara Tereza Meira;de Oliveira, Patrícia Rosa;de Souza, Leonardo Peres;Pereira, Franco Dani Campos;Delbin, Maria Andréia;Zanesco, Angelina;Camargo-Mathias, Maria Izabel
1-Jun-2013outroPrevious contact with Strongyloides venezuelensis contributed to prevent insulitis in MLD-STZ diabetesPeres, Raphael Sanches;Chiuso-Minicucci, Fernanda;da Rosa, Larissa Camargo;Domingues, Alexandre;Zorzella-Pezavento, Sofia Fernanda Gonçalves;França, Thais Graziela Donegá;Ishikawa, Larissa Lumi Watanabe;do Amarante, Alessandro Francisco Talamini;Sartori, Alexandrina
1-Jul-2013outroPhysiological adaptations during endurance training below anaerobic threshold in ratsDe Araujo, Gustavo Gomes;Papoti, Marcelo;Delbin, Maria Andréia;Zanesco, Angelina;Gobatto, Claudio Alexandre
10-Jul-2013outroInduction of ankylosis in the incisor for orthodontic tooth movement in ratsCuoghi, Osmar Aparecido;Tondelli, Pedro Marcelo;Sonoda, Celso Koogi;Aiello, Carlos Alberto;Mendonça, Marcos Rogério de;Costa, Silvano Cesar da
1-Jul-2013outroMacrophage activity and histopathology of the lymphohematopoietic organs in male Wistar rats orally exposed to single or mixed pesticidesde Camargo, Marcela Rodrigues;Barbisan, Luis Fernando;Martinez, Meire França;da Silva Franchi, Carla Adriene;Camargo, João Lauro Viana de;Spinardi-Barbisan, Ana Lúcia Tozzi
1-Jul-2013outroImpact of the length of vitamin D deficiency on cardiac remodeling.Assalin, Heloisa Balan;Rafacho, Bruna Paola;dos Santos, Priscila Portugal;Ardisson, Lidiane Paula;Roscani, Meliza Goi;Chiuso-Minicucci, Fernanda;Barbisan, Luis Fernando;Fernandes, Ana Angelica Henrique;Azevedo, Paula Schmidt;Minicucci, Marcos Ferreira;Zornoff, Leonardo Antonio;de Paiva, Sergio Alberto Rupp
1-Mar-2013outroEthopharmacological evaluation of the rat exposure test: A prey-predator interaction testCampos, Kelciane Ferreira Caetano;Amaral, Vanessa Cristiane Santana;Rico, Javier Leonardo;Miguel, Tarciso Tadeu;Nunes-de-Souza, Ricardo Luiz
1-Mar-2013outroThe role of mitochondria and biotransformation in abamectin-induced cytotoxicity in isolated rat hepatocytesMaioli, Marcos A.;de Medeiros, Hyllana C.D.;Guelfi, Marieli;Trinca, Vitor;Pereira, Flávia T.V.;Mingatto, Fábio Erminio
1-Mar-2013outroEvaluation of effect of cyclosporine A on the bone tissue with induced periodontal disease to ligature in ratsNassar, P. O.;Felipetti, F. A.;Nassar, C. A.;Spolidório, Luis Carlos